RC Spotlight Episode 26
Airing on this Epsiode of RC Spolight, we take you inside one of the biggest job fairs in the Inland Empire Plus Rancho Cucamonga residents will start to notice exciting new developments within the city due to an annexation planning on conserving the foothills and bringing in new business And Businesses across all of Rancho Cucamonga gathered at the very first Made in Rancho event to network and grow Plus In the past we’ve heard about manufacturing jobs going overseas, but many of those jobs are coming back to the United States are more specifically the Inland Empire The future is bright for manufacturing in our region and Chaffey College recently sponsored a special event to encourage area high school students to explore the growing career opportunities in manufacturing Plus Thoroughbred will soon be transformed into the street of Holiday Lights but the City wants to make sure residents are safe during the Holiday Season – All airing on this episode of RC Spotlight on the access channel or watch online on our new blog www.rcspotlight.com